Prepare for data science interview with this questions

Prepare for data science interview with this questions

Image source: Self made


As a next small app, I created a quiz that asks you questions from various topics, that may be asked in a data science interview. You find any mistakes or what to add more questions? Feel free to write me an e-mail or use the provided links to social media. After you finish the quiz, all question answer pairs will be show to you with your final score.

How to use it

Questions are picked randomly and the answers are shuffeled, to make sure you can't predict the correct answer just by the order of answers. Just pick the answer you think is correct. You still can change the answer in this state. Than click on the "Submit" button and your answer will be evaluated. No change can be made now. The score table on the right side will get updated and the submit button disappears. The correct answer will now blink up in green for a few seconds. Instead and you will get a "Next" button to jump to the next question.


I added the source of the question. You need to read them closly, as the correct answer from the source page could have been edited by me, to create a better Yes/No distribution.


Source: Submit


Thanks to Lilja and Lukas for reviewing the questions. Thanks to Christoph for giving really good feedback on the first version and sorry for leaving the "submit feature" as is. I like it this way :-)


You want to dig into the code? Sure! Just get it on github - its plain javascript, so just start a local webserver and play around. I use spreatsheets for storing the "real" question database. Its more easy to edit than in the json directly.

Source code here: github repository