Introduction to Git

What is Git?

  • version control system
  • manage and track changes
  • store and retrieve

How does Git work?

  • Commits
  • Branches
  • Revision

Why use Git?

  • Track Changes
  • Experiments
  • Collaboration

Basic Git Commands

git init

Example: git init

git add

Example: git add myfile.txt

git commit

Example: git commit -m "Added new feature"

git status

Example: git status

git push

Example: git push origin main

git pull

Example: git pull origin main

git clone

Example: git clone

Intermediate Git Commands

git branch

Example: git branch new_branch

git checkout

Example: git checkout branch_name

git merge

Example: git merge branch_name

Advanced Git Commands

git rebase

Example: git rebase main

git stash

Example: git stash save "message"

git reflog

Example: git reflog

git cherrypick

Example: git cherrypick commit_id

git revert

Example: git revert HEAD~2

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